Create Area of Interest¶
It is possible to simply pass a geometry GeoJSON file to save this to your My area space and once created it returns an ID which can then be used as either/or to generate stats or download data. While the atlas allows you to use the same name multiple times and is non unique, to avoid any confusion, the tool checks if a area of interest (aoi) exists with the same name and if yes then suggests you to change the name. This allows you to keep names distinct.
pycoral aoi-create -h
usage: pycoral aoi-create [-h] --name NAME --geometry GEOMETRY
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required named arguments.:
--name NAME AOI name
--geometry GEOMETRY Full path to geometry.geojson file
Last update: 2021-05-17
Created: 2021-05-17
Created: 2021-05-17